By ponies.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
I believe that technically this may make me what is referred to on the Interwebs as a "
brony." However, I don't know if I'm entirely comfortable with that title, as I am not a bro. I am a lady (like Rarity.)
You see, I have been sick all of this past week, so I have been staying home, in great need of something to comfort me (or perhaps to love and tolerate me.) Enter ponies.
So. Many. Ponies. |
Once I started watching the first episode of season one, I was hooked. I began watching episode after episode on YouTube, in an attempt to catch up to the current season. I spent unhealthy amounts of time tying to decipher whom my friends most resembled. (Sassafras Jones is so totally Twilight Sparkle it is not even funny.)
By the way, I'm a horrible person who just Googles things and isn't overly fond of proper citation. I apologize. Hold on for just one second. Snajperpl on DeviantArt is responsible for this glorious display. Feel free to stalk. |
I have a serious problem. I can't stop myself. (In much the same way that Apple Bloom couldn't stop herself when she got Cutie Pox!)
Save me from myself. Please.
(Or don't. I secretly love my pony addiction.)