Saturday, April 23, 2011

Dear Professor, I Love You (Updated With a Note to Help Lessen Some Confusion I May Have Caused in my Carelessness.)

I had to give a speech today for my online Japanese class, so I actually had to go to the college campus.  This was not good because I had to get up early in the morning, but it was good because it meant that I finally got to meet my professor and some of the people in my class.

I was the only girl there, apart from my professor, and all of the guys there seemed wonderfully nerdy or odd in some way (the wonderfully carries over to the odd, of course.  They were wonderfully odd.  You know what, let's not say odd, because that has some negative connotations, let's say that they were wonderfully eccentric, or that they boldly marched to the beat of their own drummers.)

Also, my professor is adorable.

She's this little Japanese lady.  She's not old, but she looks like she is older than my mom, and I just love her a lot. 

Then, in addition to being adorable, she gave us all snacks, and not just any snacks, Japanese snacks.

Those are all of the snacks that she gave me, sitting on my desk.  As you can see, this portion of my desk is where I keep my makeup- and hair-related items.

These appear to be some sort of rice cake with a type of icing or something on them.  I have no idea what that says on the wrapper.

This is a peach-flavored gummy snack.  The label says "ピーチガミ" which translates as "Peach Gummy."  If you could read katakana, though, you would know that because the symbols transliterate as "piichi gami"  where the "a" is a long "a" like in "Carl."  It also has a little cartoon peach on the wrapper, which sort of looks like a butt with leaf feet, but I digress.

This one is a mango-flavored gummy, and you can't really see the wrapper very well because the flash on my camera is stupid. 
Anyway, it's basically the same as the other wrapper, only this one is yellow and it says "マンゴーガミ" which, again, translates as "Mango Gummy" which you would know if you could read katakana because the symbols transliterate as "mangoo gami" with the "a" being pronounced like the "a" in "Carl" sort of, but not totally, yadda, yadda, yadda, we've been through this already.

Yeah, so I just wanted to share that with you, because it's kind of awesome.

That is all.


Okay, I just kind of realized that I might be confusing some people here. 

Okay.  When I say "my professor" like that, without any capitaliztion or anything, I am referring to the very nice lady who teaches me Japanese.  When I say "the Professor" with a capital "P" and "the" in front of it, I am referring to my wonderful friend, the Professor, who makes me laugh. 

Okay?  And I know that in the title of this post, "Professor" is capitalized even though it is referring to the very nice lady who teaches me Japanese, and that might be a little confusing. 

Alright, from now on, my Japanese professor will be known as "Sensei" and the Professor will still be known as "the Professor" in order to minimize confusion from this point forth.

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